REAL MOUNTIE's Adventures * Les Aventures du REAL MOUNTIE
In honour and in recognition of my beloved father Henri Sylvio Vallée (1912-1999) who wanted to become a real Mountie. In order to realize his dream, he positively influenced his son to become one with his father's vision and values.* * * * * * * * * * Honneur et Reconnaissance envers mon père bien-aimé Henri Sylvio Vallée (1912-1999) qui voulait être une Vraie Police Montée. Il a inspiré son fils positivement afin de réaliser son rêve avec les valeurs et la vision de son père.
REAL MOUNTIE's Crew support and Salute ALL VOLUNTEERS of RCMP members and personnel across Canada who work tirelessly in their communities to transform the lives of Canada's youth at risk of BULLYING or PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE in Schools. The RCMP Foundation raise funds to develop local community programs in support of child safety, drug awareness, crime prevention, literacy, internet safety, anti-bullying, victim assistance programs and other initiatives.